School Closure
Heads up—we will be CLOSED
Monday, May 31st (Memorial Day).
Weather-Appropriate Clothing
Please make sure your child comes to school in clothing for the cool, wet weather this season, including warm, rain-resistant coats and water-repellent shoes.
COVID-19 Responsible Reminders
While our groups are now separated into independent “pods,” please remember that your choices in the community affect everyone here at Family Circle, from your child’s classmates and teachers to their families
at home!
- Let’s work together to keep safe by wearing our masks while we’re out, staying 6 feet from others, and washing our hands well throughout the day.
- If your child
has symptoms of COVID-19, please keep him/her home and consider testing!
See our flier in the lobby for fast, free, NON-INVASIVE testing near our center.
- If your child or someone in your household is
awaiting the results of a COVID test, please keep your child home
until you have those results. We don’t want to risk anyone’s health!
5:30 p.m. Pick-Up Time
We want to thank all of you for the improvement we have seen in on-time child pickups!
This has been a key step in showing our staff how much they mean to us as essential workers, and it’s helping relieve stress so they can spend their evenings at home with their loved ones. We appreciate your efforts
and the regard you’ve shown for us! And we’ll continue to work hard for your family and make every effort to keep ourselves healthy and well. All the best!